School Leadership Alliance Case Studies

Client Projects

At School Leadership Alliance, we are here to assist you with your leadership development needs.

You can explore our previous client projects below, review our consultative approach, and read what client districts have to say about us.

Please reach out to us with any questions!

Consultative Approach

The way great leadership development looks for each district is unique to its culture and leaders. To achieve best results, we follow these steps.



Escondido Unified High School District

Initial Findings: Need for a leadership framework and quality, leadership development content that could be lightly adapted to build capacity around key leadership traits within the framework.

Deliverable: Led executive team discussions and co-developed a leadership framework around 7 leadership attributes and partnered with a leadership development organization to provide monthly content.

Davis School District

Initial Findings: Quality leadership development trainings but no clear line between them. Lack of clear framework or vision of success for leaders. Immediate need to develop aspiring principals.

Deliverable: Honed a leadership framework of 5 key leadership attributes and co-creating five 1.5 day trainings with Davis leaders based on principles of experiential learning, power of moments, and emphasizing both quality reflection and discussion.

Wildsparq Platform Road Map

Garfield School District

Initial Findings: Leaders showed a desire to improve culture and leadership capacity for each individual to be their best selves.

Deliverable: Executive coaching specifically around building trust and positive culture, leading to an assets-based approach to 1:1’s for school leaders and a cohort-based leadership development focus in monthly meetings with the assistance of a partner leadership development organization.

Nebo School District PD Plan

Nebo School District (Education Leaders)

Initial Findings 1: Education leaders felt they had the expertise they needed within the district and needed more time with one another.

Deliverable 1: Co-developed and co-delivered a strengths-based, peer coaching model, leveraging in-house coaches and district leaders to develop trainings for every monthly principal meeting.

Nebo School District (Classified Leaders)

Initial Findings 2: Classified leaders felt they were not getting enough opportunities to develop as individuals and professionals.

Deliverable 2: Through a partnership with a leadership development platform, 6 pilot groups do asynchronous leadership development work with a one-hour discussion run by a team lead who is given a script.

SDCOE problem of practice tactical actions and revisions tracker

San Diego County Office of Education

Initial Findings: Leaders demonstrated a desire to enhance their capacity as equity-minded leaders, beginning with a focus on improving student agency and voice.

Deliverable: Co-developed and co-delivered a mix of custom in-person and virtual trainings to assist leaders with tackling problems of practice in cohorts through the use of new and existing frameworks, quality resources, and facilitated reflection and discussion.

Becoming a Client

Our mission is to assist state, county, and district school superintendents and other organizations with achieving the vision of a strong and effective leader in every building. We do this through creating and implementing powerful leadership development plans and programs.

As a client district, we partner with you to better understand the leadership development needs of your leaders and identify or create the solutions that will have the greatest impact.

Since our ambition is not financial, we operate with an at-cost model to sustain our work. We are limited as to the number of partner districts we can take at one time so please reach out today if you are interested in working with us!

Apply to be a client district by clicking HERE.
Becoming a partner district with School Leadership Alliance